Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Recipe Wednesday #16

I found this recipe in one of those coupon inserts for the Sunday newspaper, you know, one of those things with all the coupons printed up. This recipe was printed with a popular, name brand steak sauce. As usual I do take some liberties with most of my recipes. In this one I don't necessarily use the name brand steak sauce. So here follows the recipe for this week . . .

Sauce Glazed Steak & Chicken

1 bottle(10 oz.) of your favorite steak sauce
1/4 cup honey
4 boneless beef strip steaks approximately 1 inch thickness
4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves

In a medium sized bowl mix thoroughly the sauce and honey

Grill steaks and chicken over medium heat for 4 - 6 minutes. Brush steaks and chicken on both sides with the sauce. be sure to be liberal with the sauce! Turn over and grill for 4 - 6 more minutes or until cooked to the doneness you require.

6 - 8 servings / 3 minutes preparation time / 8 - 12 minutes cooking time

This recipe is great for a family and friends get together or for a summertime grill fest. Enjoy!

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