Do you ever brew a pot of coffee and have a bit of coffee left in the pot when all have had enough coffee to drink? It always seemed so wasteful to pour all that coffee down the drain. I recently decided I would start pouring that coffee up into a pitcher after cooling. I stored this excess coffee in the refrigerator and continued to add the excess coffee when I didn't finish the pot. After a few days I had enough cold coffee to start combining and experimenting with a few ingredients to concoct an iced coffee drink like you might get at one of those popular coffee shops. Here follows my resulting
Iced Cocoa Frappucinno 
2/3 cup brewed coffee, cold
1/3 cup ice cubes (5 or 6 cubes)
1/3 cup non fat dry milk
1 tsp. instant hot cocoa mix
1 pkg. artificial sweetener 1 tsp. sugar
Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend for 30 - 40 seconds or until the ice is completely crushed. Pour into a couple of tall glasses and enjoy with a friend some summer evening. You may try a variety of additions and/or substitutions to make this your own favorite iced coffee drink to enjoy with a friend. Try a shot (1 oz.) of hazelnut or caramel syrup in addition to/or in place of the cocoa mix. Try your own flavors to suit your own tastes. Enjoy!
Incidentally, there is also a story behind the use of the 'non fat dry milk' instead of cream or milk in this recipe. That is another item I found which was a 'leftover' item for which I was trying to find a use instead of throwing it away. Suffice it to say for now that it was another item I had in excess and I needed to find a use for it instead of throwing it out. I'll tell that story on another day in another blog post.